Eventish content types


Creating and programming event and eventish content types in Plone


Plone supports events as content. Events have a start time, end time and other fields. They can be exported to standard vCal (compatible with Outlook) and iCal (compatible with OSX) formats. A default calendar shows published events in a calendar view.


Recurring events (events repeating with an interval) are not supported out-of-the-box on Plone 4.0 or older.


The portal_calendar service is provided by Products.CMFCalendar. It provides facilities to query the event calendar conveniently.

The most useful portal_calendar call is portal_calendar.getEventsForCalendar(month, year, path=navigation_root_path) to get the event listing of a certain month.

Adding a new event type to the calendar

Use-case: you've created a content type and want it to be shown in the calendar portlet.

First add a custom import step. In profiles/default/import_steps.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        title="Additional Compass Types Setup">

Then in this custom step call the portal_calendar service. Note that you might want to preserve the existing event types. Plone's default event type is called Event.


from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName

def addCalendarTypes(portal):
    portal_calendar = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_calendar')
    # 'Event' was already here, we're just adding the
    # 'DD Training Class' content-type.
    portal_calendar.calendar_types = ('Event', 'DD Training Class')

def importVarious(context):
    """Miscellaneous steps import handle
    if context.readDataFile('compass.types_various.txt') is None:
    portal = context.getSite()


Credits: ecarloshanson, optilude.

Getting eventish content types

portal_calendar maintains the list of eventish content types appearing in Plone calendar services.


# Get tuple of portal_type names for eventish content types
supported_event_types = portal_calendar.getCalendarTypes()

Getting calendar publishing states

Workflow states in which events appear in the calendar:


iCal export

Plone 3+ provides ics_view which applies to:

  • Single Event content items
  • Folders

The view creates an iCal export of the content. A single exported iCal file (mimetype: text/calendar) can contain several events. When applied to a folder, the view exports all items that provide the Products.ATContentTypes.interfaces.ICalendarSupport interface.

More info:

Purging old events

After the event end day the event stays visible in Plone listings.

You need to have a special janiator script / job if you want to get old events deleted from your site after they have been passed.

Below is a ZMI script which will delete events which are more than 30 days past their ending date:

from StringIO import StringIO
import DateTime

buf = StringIO()

# DateTime deltas are days as floating points
# Select events which have the event ending date more than one month in past
end = DateTime.DateTime() - 30*1
start = DateTime.DateTime(2000, 1,1)

date_range_query = { 'query':(start,end), 'range': 'min:max'}

items = context.portal_catalog.queryCatalog({
            "Language": "all", # Bypass LinguaPlone language check
            "portal_type":["CompanyEvent", "VSEvent"],
            "end" : date_range_query,
            "sort_on" : "created" })

items = list(items)

print >> buf, "Found %d items to be purged" % len(items)

count = 0
for b in items:
    count += 1
    obj = b.getObject()
    print >> buf, "Deleting:" + obj.absolute_url() + " " + str(obj.created())

return buf.getvalue()

Recurrence calendar support in Plone 3

vs.event has an index recurrence_days which stores the dates when the recurrent event appears five years ahead of the time when the event is saved.

Below is the glue code which is needed to support the recurrent event in the Plone 3 calendar portlet. It combines vs.event, plone.app.portlets and Products.CMFCalendar bits to pull the necessary stuff together (a task which was not trivial).

Making recurrent event appear in the calendar portlet

Below is a calendar portlet Renderer code which can be used to make recurrent events appear in the standard Plone calendar portlet:


    Override the default Plone 3 calendar portlet to support
    rendering of recurring events.


import datetime

from Acquisition import aq_inner
from DateTime import DateTime

from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory
from zope.interface import implements
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter

from plone.app.portlets.portlets import calendar as base

# Package with various calendar support code
# - not very well documented
import dateable.kalends

def convert_to_indexed_format(year, month, daynumber):
    """ Convert datetime to vs.event recurrence_days index format.

    recurrence_days holds the date as compressed int format
    for efficiency reasons.

    See vs.event.context.recurrence for more information.

    @return: Indexed recurrenct_day format of given date or None if not supported

    # This is an empty cell in the calendar and does not represent any meaningful day
    if daynumber == 0:
        return None

    cur_date = datetime.date(year, month, daynumber)

    return cur_date.toordinal()

def create_event_structure(portal_calendar, results, year, month):
    """ Create calendar dict/list struct for event presentation.

    This code is mostly ripped from Products.CMFCalendar.calendar.CalendarTool catalog_getevents()

    @param results: Iterable of eventish brain objects

    @return: Dict day number -> event data

    last_day = portal_calendar._getCalendar().monthrange(year, month)[1]
    first_date = portal_calendar.getBeginAndEndTimes(1, month, year)[0]
    last_date = portal_calendar.getBeginAndEndTimes(last_day, month, year)[1]

    # compile a list of the days that have events
    for daynumber in range(1, 32): # 1 to 31
        eventDays[daynumber] = {'eventslist': [],
                                'event': 0,
                                'day': daynumber}
    includedevents = []
    for result in results:
        if result.getRID() in includedevents:
        # we need to deal with events that end next month
        if  result.end.month() != month:
            # doesn't work for events that last ~12 months
            # fix it if it's a problem, otherwise ignore
            eventEndDay = last_day
            event['end'] = None
            eventEndDay = result.end.day()
            event['end'] = result.end.Time()
        # and events that started last month
        if result.start.month() != month:  # same as above (12 month thing)
            eventStartDay = 1
            event['start'] = None
            eventStartDay = result.start.day()
            event['start'] = result.start.Time()

        event['title'] = result.Title or result.getId

        if eventStartDay != eventEndDay:
            allEventDays = range(eventStartDay, eventEndDay+1)
                    {'end': None,
                     'start': result.start.Time(),
                     'title': event['title']} )
            eventDays[eventStartDay]['event'] = 1

            for eventday in allEventDays[1:-1]:
                    {'end': None,
                     'start': None,
                     'title': event['title']} )
                eventDays[eventday]['event'] = 1

            if result.end == result.end.earliestTime():
                last_day_data = eventDays[allEventDays[-2]]
                last_days_event = last_day_data['eventslist'][-1]
                last_days_event['end'] = (result.end-1).latestTime().Time()
                    { 'end': result.end.Time()
                    , 'start': None, 'title': event['title']} )
                eventDays[eventEndDay]['event'] = 1
            eventDays[eventStartDay]['event'] = 1

        # This list is not uniqued and isn't sorted
        # uniquing and sorting only wastes time
        # and in this example we don't need to because
        # later we are going to do an 'if 2 in eventDays'
        # so the order is not important.
        # example:  [23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 23]
    return eventDays

class RecurrentEventCalendarPortletRenderer(base.Renderer):
    """ Support recurring events """

    def retroFitRecurrentEvents(self, year, month, weeks):
        List recurrencing events in the calendar

        1. Get a list of supported event types
        2. Build a list of queried recurrence_days
        3. Query all recurrent events occurring in the given month
        4. Retrofit calendar data with these recurrent events.

        @param weeks: Array of displayable calendar weeks.

        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        request = self.request

        portal_calendar = self.context.portal_calendar

        # Get tuple of portal_type names for eventish content types
        supported_event_types = portal_calendar.getCalendarTypes()

        # Build a list of queried dates in recurrence_days format
        recurrence_days_in_this_month = []
        for week in weeks:
            for day in week:
                # This is an empty cell in the calendar
                # and does not present a meaningful date
                daynumber = day['day']
                date = convert_to_indexed_format(year, month, daynumber)
                if date:

        # print "recurrence_days:" + str(recurrence_days_in_this_month)

        # Query all events on the site
        # Note that there is no separate list for recurrent events
        # so if you want to speed up you can hardcode
        # recurrent event type list here.
        matched_recurrence_events = self.context.portal_catalog(
                            "operator" : "or"

        # print "Matched events:" + str(len(list(matched_recurrence_events)))

        portal_catalog = self.context.portal_catalog

        for week in weeks:
            for day in week:
                daynumber = day['day']

                # This day is a filler slot and not a real date in a calendar
                if daynumber == 0:

                cur_date = convert_to_indexed_format(year, month, daynumber)

                for event in matched_recurrence_events:
                    # The event hit this date
                    # Get event brain result id
                    rid = event.getRID()
                    # Get list of recurrence_days indexed value.
                    # ZCatalog holds internal Catalog object which we can directly poke in evil way
                    # This call goes to Products.PluginIndexes.UnIndex.Unindex class and we
                    # read the persistent value from there what it has stored in our index
                    # recurrence_days
                    indexed_days = portal_catalog._catalog.getIndex("recurrence_days").getEntryForObject(rid, default=[])

                    if cur_date in indexed_days:
                        # Construct event info
                        # See CalendarTool.catalog_getevents()

                        day["event"] = True # This day has events

                        data = {}
                        # Shortcut the event to be one day event (though this might not be a case)
                        data["start"] = None
                        data["end"] = None
                        data["title"] = event["Title"]


    def getEventsForCalendar(self):
        This has been overridden to call recurrent event fetcher.

        The code is basically copy-paste from the base class.
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        year = self.year
        month = self.month
        portal_state = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name=u'plone_portal_state')
        navigation_root_path = portal_state.navigation_root_path()
        weeks = self.calendar.getEventsForCalendar(month, year, path=navigation_root_path)

        # Patched recurrent events go in here
        self.retroFitRecurrentEvents(year, month, weeks)

        for week in weeks:
            for day in week:
                daynumber = day['day']

                if daynumber == 0:

                day['is_today'] = self.isToday(daynumber)
                if day['event']:
                    cur_date = DateTime(year, month, daynumber)
                    localized_date = [self._ts.ulocalized_time(cur_date, context=context, request=self.request)]
                    day['eventstring'] = '\n'.join(localized_date+[' %s' % self.getEventString(e) for e in day['eventslist']])
                    day['date_string'] = '%s-%s-%s' % (year, month, daynumber)

        return weeks

Beta code notice

Make sure that the recurrence_days index from vs.event is working - if it isn't, check Custom indexing example how to create your own recurrency indexer. After you save your vs.event content item, you should see data in the recurrence_days index through portal_catalog browsing interface.

Further reading

Required ZCML for the indexing:

<adapter factory=".indexing.recurrence_days"/>