
Adapting from one interface to another with simple adapters and multi-adapters

Adapters are one of the most powerful concepts of the Zope Component Architecture. They underpin a huge amount of the functionality - and “pluggability” - of Zope and Plone. You will often see documentation (or interfaces) that describe how a customisation can be applied by writing an adapter.

As the name suggests, adapters implement the “adapter” software design pattern. In the simplest terms, an adapter is a component that knows how to use an object providing one interface to implement another interface.

The usual analogy is that of international power plugs: a European plug has two prongs and a UK plug has three, but for the most part they do the same job and use the same (or nearly the same) voltage. If you have a UK appliance and you are in a country that has European sockets, you can (re-)use your appliance (and avoid buying a new one) by employing an adapter that makes the UK plug fit into the European socket. (If you’ve ever lived in the UK, you’ll understand why “European” is not a superset of “UK” in the preceding paragraph).


If you prefer duck metaphors, there is an awesome talk by Brandon Craig Rhodes about the concept of an adapter for your viewing pleasure here. It even has sound effects.

In software terms, it is much the same. Let’s say that we were writing a Twitter-to-email gateway (because Gmail has lots of storage space and it’s important to know when some man in Kuala Lumpur got out of bed). Suppose we have a function that can send an email, expecting an IMessage object. Unfortunately, our input is a tweet, conforming to the ITweet interface:

from zope.interface import Interface
from zope import schema

class IMessage(Interface):
    """An email-like message

    subject = schema.TextLine(title=u"Subject")
    recipients = schema.Tuple(title=u"Recipients",
                              description=u"A list of email addresses",
    body = schema.Text(title=u"Body", required=False)

    def format():
        """Return a formatted string representing the message

class ITweet(Interface):
    """A microblogging message

    from_ = schema.TextLine(title=u"Subject")
    message = schema.Text(title=u"The message")

What we need is a way to adapt our ITweet object to an IMessage.

The basic approach is to write a class that implements the attributes and methods of IMessage by delegating to an adapted context object that provides the ITweet interface. And a simple adapter would be just that: a class that we instantiated directly, being passing a tweet in its constructor, and then behaving like an IMessage.

Doing this, however, would tie us down to a specific implementation of the adapter. The ZCA gives us a more powerful alternative by maintaining a registry of adapters. We simply ask for an adapter from the object we have, to the interface we want, and the ZCA searches the registry for the most appropriate one. In code, it looks like this:

def sendAsEmail(context):
    """Convert the object passed in to an email message and send it.

    message = IMessage(context)

We could call this function with a tweet like this:

>>> tweet = getLatestTweet() # implementaiton not shown - returns an object providing ITweet
>>> sendAsEmail(tweet)

Here, we have assumed that the incoming object is an ITweet, but in reality it could be anything that was adaptable to IMessage. Suddenly, our sendAsEmail() function can be used for messages and those really irritating Facebook status updates as well. All we have to do is register an appropriate adapter from the source type to IMessage, and we’re done.


As you may imagine, this technique is very useful in a content management scenario where you may have any number of different content types and you want to implement some common functionality that works across a number of objects.

The syntax we used here is to “call” the interface. This is the most convenient way to look up a simple (unnamed, non-multi) adapter. If no adapter can be found, the ZCA will raise a TypeError. That normally indicates a programming error, so we don’t mind, but if you are unsure whether the adapter has been registered, you can fall back to a default value (e.g. None) like this:

>>> message = IMessage(tweet, None)

Registering classes as adapter factories

Now that we have seen what adapters do and how to look them up, let’s actually write and register one.

When we register adapters, we are actually registering an adapter****factory. This is a callable that takes as an argument the object being adapted, and returns an object providing the desired interface. Each time an adapter is looked up, the ZCA calls the adapter factory to obtain a new adapter instance. (Compare this to utilities, which are instantiated once and shared.)

In most cases, adapter factories are classes implementing a given interface and taking a single parameter in their constructor. (A Python class object is a callable which takes the arguments of the class’ __init__() method and returns an instance of the class). The grok.Adapter base class relies on this convention. It even defines the constructor (although you can override it) and stores the adapted object in the variable self.context, as is the convention.

An adapter factory for adapting ITweet s to IMessage s could thus look like this:

class TweetMessage(grok.Adapter):
    """Adapts an ITweet to an IMessage.

    This adapter is readonly. Thus we are strictly speaking only implementing
    a subset of the IMessage interface.


    def subject(self):
        return u"New tweet from %s!" % self.context.form_

    def recipients(self):
        return ('',)

    def body(self):
        return self.context.message

    def format(self):
        return "%s\n%s" % (self.subject, self.body,)

Assuming the package is being grokked, this is all it takes to register an adapter with five.grok.


  • The adapted object is available as self.context when using the default constructor.
  • If you are writing your own constructor, use a signature like "**def __init__(self, context):"** and store the context argument as self.context. This is not strictly necessary, but it is an almost universal convention. Since the constructor is called when the adapter is looked up, it is best to avoid any resource-intensive operations there. If an error is raised in the constructor, the adaptation will fail with a “could not adapt” TypeError.
  • The grok.provides() directive indicates the interface that will be provided by the adapter. If the adapter factory implements a single interface (via grok.implements() or inherited from a base class), this is optional.
  • The grok.context() directive indicates what is being adapted. This is usually an interface, but it can also be a class, in which case the adapter is specific to instances of that class (or a subclass). This directive can sometimes be omitted if there is an unambiguous module-level context. This is an instance providing the IContext interface from grokcore.component.interfaces, and will typically be something like a content object. If in doubt, it is always safest to provide an explicit context using the grok.context() directive.

Modelling aspects as adapters

In the example above, we used an adapter to make an object providing one interface conform to another. In this case, the objects were similar in purpose, they just happened to have incompatible interfaces. However, adapters are also frequently used in situations where we are trying to model different aspects of an object as independent components, without having to support every possible feature in a single class.

Consider our message interface again. Let’s say that we wanted to be able to email any content object as a message. Is our content object a message? Not at all, but we can provide an adapter to the IMessage interface which models the “messaging” aspect of the content object.

Such an adapter may look something like this (IDocument*and implementation not shown, but assume it supports the properties *title*and *text):

from five import grok

class DocumentMessage(grok.Adapter):

    def subject(self):
        return self.context.title

    def recipients(self):
        return ('',)

    def body(self):
        return self.context.text

    def format(self):
        return "%s\n%s" % (self.subject, self.body,)

This is relatively straightforward, and we could imagine having a number of such adapters to represent any number of different content types as messages.

Now consider the alternatives:

  • we could write a bespoke email-sending function for each type of content and use if-statements or lookup tables to find the correct one; or
  • we could demand that every content type that supported being sent as an email inherited from a mix-in class that provided the required properties.

The latter is the usual approach in the world of object oriented programming, and is fine for small, closed systems. In an open-ended system such as Plone, however, we don’t always have the option of mixing new functionality into old code, and classes with “fat” interfaces can become unwieldy and difficult to work with.

Customisation with more-specific adapters

So far, we have limited ourselves to having only one adapter per type of context. The ZCA allows us to have multiple possible adapters, leaving it to pick the most appropriate one. Here, “most appropriate” really means “most specific”, according to the following rules:

  • An adapter registered for a class is more specific than an adapter registered for an interface
  • An adapter registered for an interface directly provided by an instance is more specific than an adapter registered for an interface implemented by that object’s class
  • An adapter registered for an interface listed earlier in the implements() directive is more specific than an adapter registered for an interface listed later
  • An adapter registered for an interface implemented by a given class is more specific than an adapter registered for an interface implemented by a base class
  • An adapter registered for a given interface provided by an object is more specific than an adapter registered for a base-interface of that interface
  • In the case of a multi-adapter (see below), the specificity of the adapter to the first adapted object is more important than the specificity to subsequent adapted objects

These rules are known as “interface resolution order” and are basically equivalent to the “method resolution order” used to determine which method takes precedence in the case of multiple inheritance. Most of the time, this works as you would expect, so you do not need to worry too much about the detail of the rules.

The power of the “more-specific adapter” concept is that we can create a generic adapter for a generic interface, and then provide an override for a more specific interface. Let’s say that we had the following hierarchy of interfaces, implemented by different types of content objects (not shown):

from zope.interface import Interface
from zope import schema

class IContent(Interface):
    """A content object

    title = schema.TextLine(title=u"Title")

class IDocument(IContent):
    """A document content item

    text = schema.TextLine(title=u"Body text")

class IFile(IContent):
    """A file content item

    contents = schema.Bytes(title=u"Raw data")

We could now register a generic adapter from IContent to IMessage, which would be usable for any content item providing this interface, including file content, or some future type of content we haven’t even thought of yet. Then, we could register a more specific adapter for IDocument, like the one we saw above, to provide more specific behaviour for the document type.

But why stop there? Perhaps we want to be able to mark certain documents as important and have the message subject change? One way to do that is with a marker interface on the instance:

class IImportantDocument(Interface):
    """Marker interface for important documents

We would apply this selectively to instances using alsoProvides() (perhaps in an event handler):

>>> from zope.interface import alsoProvides
>>> alsoProvides(urgentDocument, IImportantDocument)

We could then register an adapter for this. We can even re-use our previous adapter factory by subclassing it and overriding only the properties or methods we care about:

class ImportantDocumentMessage(DocumentMessage):

    def subject(self):
        return u"URGENT! " + self.context.title

Note: This factory class is grokked as an adapter because it derives from DocumentMessage which in turn derives from grok.Adapter.


If you have a class that derives from one of the special Grok base classes (like grok.Adapter or grok.GlobalUtility), but you do not want it to be grokked, e.g. because it is used only as a base class for other classes, you can use the grok.baseclass() directive with no arguments to disable grokking.

Using a function as an adapter factory

Remember we said that an adapter factory is a “callable” that returns an object providing the appropriate interface? Classes are one type of callable, but the most common callable, of course, is a function. It can be useful to register a function as an adapter factory in situations when you are not actually (or always) instantiating a class to provide the adapter.

As an example, let’s say that we wanted to keep a cache of the adapter instances, perhaps because they are resource intensive. In this case, we may either create a new adapter object, or re-use an existing one (in general, we wouldn’t do this of course, due to thread safety and state management issues, but it’s a useful example). We can’t do that in the __init__() method of a class, because that is not called until after the class has been instantiated. Instead, we could use a function as the adapter factory:

from five import grok

def messageFromTweetAdapter(context):
    cached = messageCache.get(context) # dict-like interface; not shown
    if cached is not None:
        return cached
    else: # create a new object
        return TweetMessage(context)


  • The @implementer decorator specifies the interface(s) which will be provided by the returned objects. In the case of an adapter factory, you should pass a single interface, although the decorator can take multiple arguments.
  • The @adapter decorator actually registers the adapter. For a single adapter, pass a single interface. For a multi-adapter (see below), you can pass multiple arguments. For a named adapter (see below) you can pass a name=u“name” keyword argument.

Using an instance as an adapter factory

In addition to classes and functions, an instance of a class that has a __call__() method may be used as an adapter factory callable. To register such an object as an adapter factory, we can’t use the grok.Adapter base class (since that would register the class as the adapter factory and we want to register the object) or the @adapter decorator. Instead, we use the global_adapter() function.

This is much less common, but can be useful in certain circumstances. Here is an example from the z3c.form library:

from five import grok

from zope.interface import Interface
from zope import schema
import z3c.form.widget import StaticWidgetAttribute

class ISchema(Interface):
    """This schema will be used to power a z3c.form form"""

    field = schema.TextLine(title=u"Sample field")

labelOverride = StaticWidgetAttribute(u"Override label", field=ISchema['field'])
grok.global_adapter(labelOverride, name=u"label")

The StaticWidgetAttribute() function returns a callable object that is intended to be registered as an adapter factory. The global_adapter() function takes care of this for us at “grok time”. In this case, we have passed the instance and a name (see named adapters, below) because the object provides a single interface and has an “adapts” declaration. If this was not the case, we could use the full syntax:

grok.global_adapter(adapterFactoryInstance, (IAdapted,), IProvided, name=u"name")

Note: The adapted interfaces are passed as a tuple to support multi-adapters (see below).

Named adapters

As we have seen above, adapters - like utilities - can be registered with a name:

  • By using the directive in the class body of an adapter factory deriving from grok.Adapter.
  • By using the name*keyword argument to the *@adapter function decorator
  • By using the name*argument to the *global_adapter() function

Named adapters are a lot less common than named utilities, but can be useful in a few circumstances:

  • You want the user to choose among a number of different implementations at runtime. In this case, you could translate the user’s input (or some other external runtime state) to the name of an adapter.
  • You want to allow third-party packages to plug in any number of adapters, which you will iterate over and use as appropriate, but you also want to allow an individual named adapter to be overridden for a more specific interface (see also subscription adapters below).
  • Most browser components (views, viewlets, resource directories) are in fact implemented as named (multi-)adapters. For a view, the name is the path segment that appears in the URL.

If you want to get a simple (non-multi) adapter by name, use the getAdapter() function:

>>> from zope.component import getAdapter
>>> adapted = getAdapter(context, IMessage, name=u"adapter-name")

This will raise a ComponentLookupError if no adapter can be found. There is also a queryAdapter() function which returns None as a fallback instead.

If you want to iterate over all the named adapters that provide a given interface, you can do:

>>> from zope.component import getAdapters
>>> for name, adapter in getAdapters((context,), IMessage):
...     print "Name gave us", adapter.format()

Note that this function takes a tuple of objects as the context, because it is also used for multi-adapters.


So far, our adapters have all adapted a single context. A multi-adapter is an adapter that adapts more than one thing. There are a few reasons to want to do this:

  • If you have written an adapter and you find that you need to pass an object to (almost) every one of its methods, you could use a multi-adapter to allow the adapter to be initialised with more than one object.
  • The rules of “more specific” adapters applies to each adapted context of multi-adapters. Thus, if you want to allow a component to be swapped out (customised) along multiple dimensions, you could look it up as a multi-adapter.

Multi-adapters are frequently used in browser components (such as views and viewlets), which adapt a context object and the request. This allows multiple views to be registered with the same name, with different implementations based on the type of context (i.e. the "index" view for an IDocument is different to the view of an IFile) or the type of request (i.e. an HTTP request results in a different response to an XML-RPC request). Furthermore, the request may be marked with marker interfaces (known as “browser layers”) upon traversal, allowing you to register a different view depending on which layer is in effect.

Browser components are registered using specific grokkers which also take care of things like security and template binding. We will cover those later. For a simple example, however, consider the following:

from zope.interface import Interface
from zope import schema

class IBloggingService(Interface):
    """A blogging service

    title = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name of service")
    url = schema.URI(title=u"API URL")

class IMicroBloggingService(IBloggingService):
    """A micro-blogging service

    maxMessageLength = schema.Int(title=u"Max message length allowed")

class IMessageBroadcaster(Interface):
    """Multi-adapt a context and a blogging service to this interface

    def send():
        """Send the context as a message using the given service

We could imagine looking up a multi-adapter like this:

>>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter()
>>> context = Document() # an object providing IDocument
>>> service = TwitterService() # an object providing IMicroBloggingService
>>> broadcaster = getMultiAdapter((context, service,), IMessageBroadcaster)

This will raise a ComponentLookupError if no suitable adapter can be found. There is also queryMultiAdapter(), which will return None as a fallback.

Like other adapters, a multi-adapter is registered with a callable that acts as the adapter factory. The callable must take one argument for each adapted object (two, in this case). We can register multi-adapters with the @adapter function decorator or the grok.global_adapter() function, as indicated above. More commonly, however, we will use the grok.MultiAdapter base class, like this:

class BloggingBroadcaster(grok.MultiAdapter):
    grok.adapts(IContent, IBloggingService)

    def __init__(self, context, service):
        self.context = context
        self.service = service

    def send(self):
        message = IMessage(self.context)
        text = message.format()
        print text

class MicroBloggingBroadcaster(grok.MultiAdapter):
    grok.adapts(IContent, IMicroBloggingService)

    def __init__(self, context, service):
        self.context = context
        self.service = service

    def send(self):
        message = IMessage(self.context)
        text = message.format()
        print text[:self.service.maxMessageLength]

Here, we have registered two multi-adapters, the second more specific than the first. Notice how we have to define a constructor: the base class can’t do it for us, since it doesn’t know how many things we will adapt or what we may want to call the variables where they are stored.

Subscription adapters

There is one final type of adapter known as a subscription adapter. These can be used when you always want to look up and iterate over all available adapters to a specific interface, as opposed to finding the most specific one. However, it is not possible to override or disable a subscription adapter without removing its registration directly, so most people prefer to use named adapters instead, which allow an adapter with a given name to be overridden for a more specific interface. Like event handlers (which are in fact implemented using subscription adapters), subscription adapters are registered with the <subscriber /> ZCML directive. There is currently no way to register one using Grok conventions.