Value and validator adaptors

Handy Decorators to set computed defaults and dynamic validators

Decorators from plone.directives.form allow you to set dynamic defaults and validators for schema fields. These are used outside the interface class, after its declaration.


Use the plone.directives.form.default_value decorator to create an adaptor to dynamically set a default. For example, to set a Datetime field to default to the current time:

import datetime
from plone.directives import form
from zope import schema

class IMySchema(form.Schema):

    start = schema.Datetime(title=u"Start Date")

def startDefaultValue(data):


Use the plone.directives.form.validator decorator to create an adaptor to validate field input. For example, to validate that a field is not entered all uppercase:

from plone.directives import form
from zope import schema

class IMySchema(form.Schema):

    title = schema.TextLine(title=u"Title")

def validateTitle(value):
    if value and value == value.upper():
        raise schema.ValidationError(u"Please don't shout")