Using jQuery and jQuery Tools

Plone includes the jQuery and jQuery Tools JavaScript libraries out of the box, which you can use in your own scripts right away.

jQuery is a popular JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversal, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions. jQuery Tools is a collection of user-interface components including overlays, tabs, accordions and tooltips.

jQuery has been shipped with Plone since 3.1. jQuery Tools was added with Plone 4.0.

Using jQuery

jQuery has excellent documentation available at Note, though, that it is never wise to depend on the availability of the "$" alias for the jQuery function since other libraries may redefine it.

So, Instead of:

     alert("Thanks for visiting!");

you should embed and jQuery code that uses the "$" alias in a wrapper like:

(function($) {
     alert("Thanks for visiting!");

Using jQuery Tools

jQuery Tools is a jQuery plugin, and Plone 4 includes the tabs, tooltip, scrollable, overlay and expose toolset. The remainder of the jQuery Tools kit plugins are available by enabling the resource Plone's JavaScript registry.

The integration with jQuery Tools is provided through the package, which includes a set of overlay helpers for common AJAX overlay needs. This kit is used to provide many of Plone's overlayed forms. See the pypi page for documentation and examples.