Control Panels#

Control panels in Plone allow you to configure the global site setup of a Plone site. The @controlpanels endpoint in plone.restapi allows you to list all existing control panels in a Plone site, and to retrieve or edit the settings of a specific control panel.

Get Control Panels List#

Query function#

Use the getControlpanelsQuery function to get the query for fetching the control panels list.


Use the useGetControlpanels hook to get the control panels list.

Get Control Panel#

Query function#

Use the getControlpanelQuery function to get the query for fetching a control panel at a given path.


Use the useGetControlpanel hook to get a control panel at a given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

Add Custom Elements in Control Panel#

Mutation function#

Use the createControlpanelMutation function to get the mutation for adding a custom element in the control panel at a given path.


Use the useCreateControlpanel hook to add a custom element in the control panel at a given path.


  • data: any

    • Required: Yes

Update Custom Elements in Control Panel#

Mutation function#

Use the updateControlpanelMutation function to get the mutation for updating a custom element in the control panel at a given path.


Use the useUpdateControlpanel hook to update a custom element in the control panel at a given path.


  • data: any

    • Required: Yes

Delete Custom Elements in Control Panel#

Mutation function#

Use the deleteControlpanelMutation function to get the mutation for deleting a custom element in the control panel at a given path.


Use the useDeleteControlpanel hook to delete a custom element in the control panel at a given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

  • data: any

    • Required: Yes