
Available users in a Plone site can be created, queried, updated, and deleted by interacting with the /@users endpoint on portal root. This action requires an authenticated user:

Get Users list#

Query function#

Use the getUsersQuery function to get the query for fetching the list of all users in the portal.


Use the useGetUsers hook to get the list of all users in the portal.


  • query: string

    • Required: No

  • groupsFilter: string[]

    • Required: No

  • search: string

    • Required: No

  • limit: number

    • Required: No

Get User#

Query function#

Use the getUserQuery function to get the query for fetching the information about an individual user at the given path.


Use the useGetUser hook to get the information about an individual user at the given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

Add User#

Mutation function#

Use the createUserMutation function to get the mutation for adding a new user at the given path.


Use the useCreateUser hook to add a new user at the given path.


  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      description: string

      • Required: No

      email: string

      • Required: Yes

      fullname: string

      • Required: No

      home_page: string

      • Required: No

      location: string

      • Required: No

      sendPasswordReset: boolean

      • Required: No

      password: string

      • Required: No

      roles: string[]

      • Required: No

      username: string

      • Required: Yes

Update User#

Mutation function#

Use the updateUserMutation function to get the mutation for updating an existing user at the given path.


Use the useUpdateUser hook to update an existing user at the given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      description: string

      • Required: No

      email: string

      • Required: No

      fullname: string

      • Required: No

      home_page: string

      • Required: No

      location: string

      • Required: No

      username: string

      • Required: No

      portrait: object

      • Required: No

Delete User#

Mutation function#

Use the deleteUserMutation function to get the mutation for deleting an existing user at the given path.


Use the useDeleteUser hook to delete an existing user at the given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

Update User Password#

Mutation function#

Use the updatePasswordMutation function to get the mutation for updating an existing user password at the given path.


Use the useUpdatePassword hook to update an existing user password at the given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • The data object can contain the following fields:

      old-password: string

      • Required: Yes

      new-password: string

      • Required: Yes

Reset User Password#

Mutation function#

Use the resetPasswordMutation function to get the mutation for resetting an existing user password at the given path.


Use the useResetPassword hook to reset an existing user password at the given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

Reset User Password with Token#

Mutation function#

Use the resetPasswordWithTokenMutation function to get the mutation for resetting an existing user password at the given path.


Use the useResetPasswordWithToken hook to reset an existing user password at the given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      reset_token: string

      • Required: Yes

      new_password: string

      • Required: Yes