

Currently the workflow support is limited to executing transitions on content.

In Plone, content almost always has a workflow attached. We can get the current state and history of an object by issuing a GET request for any context:

Get Workflow#

Query function#

Use the getWorkflowQuery function to get the query for fetching the workflow for the given path.


Use the useGetWorkflow hook to get the workflow for the given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

Add Workflow#

Mutation function#

Use the createWorkflowMutation function to get the mutation for adding a workflow to the given path.


Use the useCreateWorkflow hook to add a workflow to the given path.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      comment: string

      • Required: No

      effective: string

      • Required: No

      expires: string

      • Required: No

      include_children: boolean

      • Required: No