Color picker widget#

Volto comes with a color picker widget that can be used in any Volto form. It allows to pick a color from a preset list of colors. This preset list of colors is passed using the colors prop. You can try a demo of the default color picker. You can combine the color picker widget with the Block style wrapper to have a powerful, yet simple way to manage color properties in your blocks. You can use it either in your custom block's styles schema or enhance an existing block as follows:

import { addStyling } from '@plone/volto/helpers/Extensions/withBlockSchemaEnhancer';
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import config from '@plone/volto/registry';

const messages = defineMessages({
  backgroundColor: {
    id: 'Background color',
    defaultMessage: 'Background color',

export const defaultStylingSchema = ({ schema, formData, intl }) => {
  const BG_COLORS = [
    { name: 'transparent', label: 'Transparent' },
    { name: 'grey', label: 'Grey' },

  // You could allow passing the color definition from the config or from the default
  // defined above
  const colors =
    config.blocks?.blocksConfig?.[formData['@type']]?.colors || BG_COLORS;

  // Same for the default used (or undefined)
  const defaultBGColor =

  // This adds the StyleWrapper support to your block
  addStyling({ schema, intl });

  // Then we add the field to the fieldset inside the StyleWrapper `styles` field schema fieldset array[0].fields = [[0].fields,

  // and finally, we add the field to the StyleWrapper `styles` object field schema properties['backGroundColor'] = {
    widget: 'color_picker',
    title: intl.formatMessage(messages.backgroundColor),
    default: defaultBGColor,

  return schema;

The color picker widget's discriminator is color_picker.

Color definitions#

Changed in version 17.9.0: Enhanced ColorPickerWidget with additional color definitions, saving it as an object instead of a string.

The colors property of the widget controls which colors are available to choose in the widget. This is the signature of the object along with an example:

type Color =
  | {
      name: string;
      label: string;
      style: Record<`--${string}`, string>;
  | {
      name: string;
      label: string;
      style: undefined;

const colors: Color[] = [
    name: 'red',
    label: 'red',
    style: { '--background-color': 'red' } },
    name: 'yellow',
    label: 'yellow',
    style: { '--background-color': 'yellow' },
    name: 'green',
    label: 'green'

Basic color definition#

The basic color definition is the one that saves a string as the widget value. This string is the one defined by the name key. You can use it on your own code by reading it from the resultant data and use it according your designed solution.

When combined with the StyleWrapper, the value will be injected as a class name of the form has--PROPERTY_NAME--PROPERTY_VALUE:

<div class="has--backgroundColor--green">

Then you should create the CSS rules according to these injected class names.

Custom CSS properties as color definitions#

The style key defines a set of custom CSS properties to be added as the value to the HTML attribute style. They will be injected by the StyleWrapper as style definitions, so you can use them in your CSS rules.

<div class="block teaser" style="--background-color: red">
.block.teaser {
  background-color: var(--background-color, transparent);

The name key is mandatory in order to generate proper markup in the resultant HTML in both forms.

You can also use this selector, where an element with class names block and teaser with a child element whose HTML attribute style contains the value of --background-color:

.block.teaser {
  &[style*='--background-color'] {
    padding: 20px 0;

See also

See the MDN CSS Reference for selectors.

Use both basic and custom CSS properties definitions#

You can combine both basic and custom CSS properties definitions. It's up to you how to mix and match them.