Upgrade Plone 6.0 to 6.1#

Plone 6.1 has seen the following major changes. Some may require changes in your setup.

Drop Python 3.8 and 3.9#

We only support Python 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12.

TinyMCE upgraded in Classic UI#

In Plone 6.0, the Classic UI frontend uses TinyMCE 5, a rich text editor for websites. TinyMCE 5 reached its end of support on April 20, 2023. For Plone 6.1, Classic UI upgraded TinyMCE from version 5 to 7.

If you upgrade a site using Classic UI from Plone 6.0 to 6.1, you do not need to take any action, unless you implemented custom plugins, or you use a plugin which got removed or moved to premium in TinyMCE versions 6 or 7. To upgrade your plugin implementation to TinyMCE 7, see the upgrade guides.

Enable the TinyMCE accordion plugin#

  1. Go to the Site Setup > General > TinyMCE control panel to manage TinyMCE settings.

  2. Under the Plugins and Toolbar tab, check accordion to enable the accordion plugin.

  3. Under the same tab, add a menu entry accordion for TinyMCE in the control panel by editing the items key as shown.

      "insert": {
        "title": "Insert",
        "items": "link media | template hr | accordion"
  4. Click the Save button to save your settings.

  5. In the Security > HTML filtering control panel, add two new tags to Valid tags.

    • summary

    • details

  6. Also in the Security > HTML filtering control panel, add a new attribute to Custom attributes.

    • open

  7. For a transform to valid markup of the Bootstrap 5 accordion, use an output filter.

z3c.form and plone.app.z3cform#


This is a placeholder.

  • Update deprecated imports

  • New widget templates

plone.app.multilingual is a core add-on#

plone.app.multilingual is the package that adds multilingual support to Plone, allowing the storage and display of content in multiple languages. In Plone 6.0 and earlier, this was a dependency of Products.CMFPlone, making it available for installation in all Plone sites. In Plone 6.1 it is now a dependency of the Plone package.

If your project or your add-on needs this package, and you only depend on Products.CMFPlone until now, you should add plone.app.multilingual as a dependency. Then your project or add-on will keep working in both Plone 6.0 and 6.1.

The goal of turning more of the current core packages into core add-ons is to make the core smaller, and in some cases solve circular dependencies.

Discussion is disabled by default#

Discussion is a feature that allows your site visitors to comment on web pages for any content object. Discussion is disabled by default in Plone 6.1 and later. To enable discussion, you need to perform the following tasks.

  1. In your Python requirements.txt or pyproject.toml file, add the core add-on plone.app.discussion to your dependencies.

  2. Run pip to install plone.app.discussion.

  3. Restart the Plone backend to load plone.app.discussion.

  4. Enable the Discussion add-on in the Plone control panel under Site Setup ‣ General.

  5. 🍻